Work for the Best Boss


“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Believe it or not, I do not feel comfortable in big gatherings. I try to fit somewhere chatting here and there. Then I find myself drawn to helping out with food, drinks, cleaning, etc. That is when I feel energized. I used to think of myself as a fool for doing the menial work until I read what my Lord says. Nothing I do goes unnoticed even if it is the most mundane and undesirable job.

When I first fell in love with Jesus 15 years ago, I wanted to quit my public school teaching and dive into a Kingdom career. My dear teacher friend, Kathy, who is with the Lord now, told me that God’s work is everywhere. No matter where I worked, I served Him and Him only. I accepted the challenge not really understanding it completely.

Now after all those years of getting to know Him, I see it clearly. Our God made the universe and everything in it. People are His precious masterpiece. Teaching in a class full of hormone-driven teens meant I was taking care of His children. It did not matter if they appreciated me or not; what mattered was that I was pleasing my Perfect Boss. I am so blessed to work for the best boss in the Universe. He really works in me, through me, with me, and alongside me rather than bossing me around. Where else could we ever find a boss like our Servant Lord, Jesus?

God bless you and your loved ones!

Meryem Kennedy

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