Range of Motion


When I arrived at the jail one morning, I was told to wait because there was something called “range of motion” going on. I asked what it meant and was shocked at the answer given: when an inmate is a threat to him or herself, he or she would be tied up to the wall by their hands spread up while lying in bed. I also understood that the feet would be cuffed. At intervals, he or she would be allowed to walk around before the cuffing happened again.

My mind immediately went to one of the juvenile girls in my group. She was sentenced and waiting to be sent to prison. I pictured in my mind that it was her in that situation. It broke my heart, and I went to the Lord immediately. I felt broken at the idea of being shackled, in addition to being already locked up. My heart cried out to Jesus for comfort and mercy. Later I found out that she was not one of “my girls.” They were talking about another section of the jail. Still, I thought, “How awful to be in that predicament.”

Isn’t that how we feel sometimes? We are on this earth left to our means. Unless we have the Holy Spirit, we are locked in our flesh with a body that is slowly decaying. He is the only one that can unshackle us and render us free.

Let us face it: the only time we will be completely free of the chains of this sin-filled world will be when Jesus comes to establish His kingdom.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! We desperately need you, our Savior.

God bless you and your loved ones!

Meryem Kennedy

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