Every Story Has Three Sides


I heard the sentence “Every story has three sides” recently in a movie. It took me a couple of seconds to get what it meant; there is always my version, yours, and God’s. I have never thought about it that way. It is comforting. It is no longer my word against yours. God is watching. He knows what is really going on.

This may also be discomforting at times. Who wants a judge watching over our shoulder and noting every word we speak and every attitude we display? Not me! And, yet, knowing that God is an objective observer, not a judge, who is recording just the facts, may help me adjust my “b-attitude.” No one wants an attitude, but we are quick to give one. At least, I am. Tit for tat.

In my stubborn righteousness, I do not want to see the event from another’s perspective, but I have heard the other person say, “If a third party were to hear the issue we are fighting over like this, they would side with me.” Ouch! Fortunate for me and the other, my heart is receptive to what my God has to say. He is the one I am willing to listen to and hopefully heed! So, next time I am in a conflict with my husband, daughter, or another person, I need to remember Jesus’ version of the story and relax.

God bless you and your loved ones!

Meryem Kennedy

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