

Do you think God is beautiful? Just a look at the creation, from birds to flowers to the brush stroke clouds, will convince us that He is. Even when the world is falling apart, there is beauty in every corner. How come is it easy for me to sincerely admire a beautiful woman but not believe my husband when he says I am perfect?

See, as a vulnerable, young girl, I took others seriously who had the tenacity to judge me, calling me fat and ugly. To my demise, I agreed that there must be something terribly wrong with me, to the point of thinking I was worthless and unlovable. In that unprotected state, I was the perfect target for Satan to crush me with his lies through those around me.

Yes, the pressure to be beautiful is everywhere, yet we need a way to redirect this destructive thinking pattern. What about this? If God created us in His image, how can we be anything but beautiful? Unfortunately, we are bombarded by the media that defines beauty in certain terms, and we buy into it. We need to listen to the small voice that whispers, “You are perfect the way you are. You are my child. You are breathtaking.”

Aren’t we tired of comparing ourselves to others? I sure am. I wish I could forever turn off the attacks of the evil one undermining my worth as a woman created in the gorgeous image of God. I will have no fear; the day is coming when Jesus will silence him once and for all. I will hang onto His promise.

God bless you and your loved ones!

Meryem Kennedy

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